The Billboard
This large interactive billboard is a form of advertising for LEVELED which allows the viewer to use chalk to draw something of their choose and hopefully lead them to the QR Code that can be scanned taking them to the LEVELED website and promoting the downloading of the LEVELED APP.
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Augmented Reality Poster and Outdoor Bench
The LEVELED bench is a stoned creation made from the shape of the logo and used as a symbol of balance. The bench can be placed all over the world, however, when used in conjunction with the AR poster is give people a relaxing place to sit as they interact with the Augmented reality portion of the poster. The augmented reality feature is set up to promote a virtual view of the LEVELED APP and all it's features while prompting the viewer to download the APP and begin their journey to a leveled life. Go ahead, download the ZAPPAR APP, scan the poster and watch the magic happen, even if you decided to walk away, it will come with you!
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Retractable Banner
This portable banner can be displayed anywhere and helps to promote the APP and its features as well as educate people on the purpose of LEVELED and how it can help them with their own life-balance.
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